QualityQuick is a small set of free software tools and educational programs. It currently consists of QQTranscrypt, QQOpy, QQEden, QQWave, QQFemTools, QQSymPyLC and QQGaussJordan, abbreviated to just Transcrypt, Opy, Eden, Wave, FemTools, SimPyLC and GaussJordan respectively.
Transcrypt is a lean and mean Python to JavaScript compiler, featuring a.o. multiple inheritance, properties, list comprehensions, *args, **kwargs, bound function assignment and small downloads.
While it implements the bulk of Python 3.x it offers small downloads, seamless integration with any JavaScript library and highly readable output.
Opy is a configurable source code obfuscator for Python, suitable for professional use.
It does a good job on multi-module projects also using 3rd party modules, human readable config files, and things like getattr, setattr, exec and eval.
Eden (Event Driven Evaluation Nodes) is a Python library that allows
quick construction of Windows applications,
including application logic, data persistence and a scalable GUI.
Eden applications can be developed quickly and are highly maintainable.
Wave (Wave Activated Versioning Engine) is an application framework that quickly turns
a set of command line algorithms into a fully scriptable GUI application.
Wave is built in Eden ;=)
Wave frees algorithm programmers to concentrate on what they're best at: programming algorithms.
The start of a what may become a small collection of free tools, to be used with open source Finite Element and Meshing packages.
Currently only contains a converter from GMSH meshes to FEniCS/Dolfin format, that takes into account numbered volume boundaries.
The program dolfin-convert coming with version 1.0 of the FEniCS for Windows lacks this functionality,
that is needed for convenient specification of boundary conditions.
A small collection of programs used for teaching for teaching purposes, written in Python.
At this moment it consists of:
It supports any number of coupled PLC controls and OpenGL visualisations.
A sample simulation is included as well as a HowTo document.
The source code is brief and fully open to understanding.
A simple, fully commented algorithm, showing intermediate resuls.